Quotes of the Day

Monday, Oct. 04, 2004

Open quote Are you expecting a positive answer from the E.U.? Of course we cannot be relaxed. We know that this is a historic decision. But we are confident. The [E.U.] leaders have committed themselves to start talks if Turkey meets the Copenhagen criteria. [European Commissioner Günter Verheugen's] progress report will be an X ray of the country. The political decision will be based on that and definitely it will be positive. The credibility of Europe is at stake.

And is Turkey ready? We believe Turkey has achieved critical mass. Two years ago Turkey was a very different place. Since then a silent revolution has taken place. Democracy, human rights and transparency have been upgraded.

Yet an effort to criminalize adultery almost derailed the process. This was an attractive subject that was exploited by the media and the political opposition to attack us. But it is over now. [It was proposed] as an attempt to ensure that men as well as women were punished. My view is that if a wife or husband violates his marriage contract, he should be punished. But the question is how? By criminal or civil law. Civil code may be better.

There are critics in Europe who say that a Muslim country cannot fit into Europe. Europe is a pluralist system with many different opinions. But the leadership is clear. Anyway, these are all old arguments. Years ago these things were discussed and it was decided that it was a win-win situation. So we are not disturbed. We should be cool and not give any provocation. Moreover, we are not talking about being full members now. We are just talking about negotiations. And these will take time. We are realistic. It will take years.

What will happen if Turkey is rejected? I am confident it won't happen, but if there is a subjective political "no" then the repercussions will not be limited to Turkey. Everybody will say "Whatever you do, since you are Muslim you are not accepted". And of Europe, people will say "You cannot be trusted." This will fuel hostility towards Europe across the Islamic world. It would be a big insult. This is a test for Turkey AND Europe. Europe too is being tested.

Should E.U. countries hold a referendum on Turkish membership? I have heard some arguments for a referendum on Turkey before a referendum on the E.U. constitution. This would be the wrong approach. The constitution is the most important thing and the E.U. should not lose time by voting on our membership now.

If future Turkish governments do not want to continue with reforms, is the process now underway reversible? No. There is bipartisan support for this project in Turkey. 75% of the people are supporting this. In fact, this reform process will continue in Turkey, I believe, with the E.U. or without the E.U. We should have done all this a long time ago. But the pressure from the E.U. helped.

Why is being in Europe good for Turkey? Turkey will be in the E.U.!

Yes but why is that good? Turkey will be a REAL European country. It will be a part of Europe forever. It will be better democratically, economically and strategically. European values will flourish in Turkey.

Your party is made up of conservative Muslims. Yet it is determined to join Europe. Why? I sincerely believe that these European values are our values — democracy, respect for human rights, free market economy — I want to see these flourishing in all Islamic countries. Why should the Muslim people be oppressed? Why shouldn't Muslim leaders be accountable to the people? Yes, we are religious Muslims but our underlying values are the same. What is more, we are real democrats. We are not élitisits. If élitists led the reforms they would not succeed.

Turkey is a poor country, why is accepting it into the E.U. good for Europe? Turkey looks poorer but it is more promising than other countries. It is dynamic, we have a young population. We are a big market for European goods. And strategically we are going to be an asset to the E.U. Turkey is also a Muslim country. That will enrich Europe. It will lend it some difference!

Is Turkey a model for the Islamic world? Turkey proves that values of democracy, respect for human rights and a market economy can be fulfilled in a Muslim society. We are proof that you can be Muslim and at the same time share universal values. Turkey will be the concrete model for the Muslim world. Our fate is to promote these values. All Islamic countries are watching what is happening in Turkey and are impressed by this.

How long are you prepared to wait for full membership? For other countries it took eight years. We are realistic. We know it won't be a short time.

But 15 years, as French presidential hopeful Nicolas Sarkozy has suggested? We know it will be a long time. Close quote

  • TIME's Central Europe Bureau Chief Andrew Purvis spoke to Turkey's Foreign Minister Abdullah Gul